Welcome to Ueno HP 本文へジャンプ
How to be a student of the University of Tsukuba
This is an guidance to get scholarship in Japan.

MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) offers schlorship to international students who wish to study at Japanese university as research students or underguraduate students. First of all, I recomend the reseach student to apply by embassy recommendation, who should bave basic knowlidge of science and meteorology or climatology. Please see in details as follows;


For the undergraduate students, Univserity of Tsukuba started G30 program as follows;


Before you apply for the schlorship, please send me your CV with reseach interests.
For students who is already in Japan, please do not hesitate to visit my study room.

■Office: Laboratory of Advancet Research A, 2nd floor, Room 210 (in fron of a bus stop "Daigaku Chuo", see picture)
■E-mail: ueno.kenichi.fw @ u.tsukuba.ac.jp
■Tel/fax: 029−853−4399
■Accsess: TX and bus or direct highway bus from Tokyo terminal to HP of our research groupe